About Us
Growing up in Southern California and playing hockey had its challenges. With ice time almost non-existent, most practice and pick up hockey took place on open cement lots, in the cul-de-sac or tennis courts, usually with nothing more than a trash can as a goal.
Standard goals were just too large to transport and storing was hard. Adjust-a-goal was developed to make playing and practicing hockey easy. If it’s just practice in the back yard, the drive way, a tennis court, or a game on the frozen pond, adjust-a-goal is ready for all occasions. With 4 unique shooting configurations, easy to transport, and no tools required (after first assembly) to operate, adjust-a-goal can be used to play a game, develop and fine tune your shoots or just have fun! And when you’re done, or don’t have a goalie, the goal collapses to half the size!

Just like the rest of the United States, our Southern California kids just about kicked, batted, swung at, knocked down, or got knocked down …in as many sports as the law allows one family to do. I’m pretty sure many who are reading this can relate! We have three kids and they all kept us busy. No matter the sport, be it soccer, hockey or Lacrosse, it was always a challenge to have a good quality goal at practices. Oh we had many “try out” goals…but none lasted. Quick story, when our kids were 5, 7 and 9, we used to drive to practices holding a plastic goal on the roof of our car, arms out the windows. Sometimes the darn goal would start to come apart to boot…so funny! We’d get to practice and have to reassemble it. Wish I had a picture of it while going down the road. The things we all do for our kids.
So Nashti Sports (formally Adjust-a-Goal) was born! Just like many of you, we needed a good steel goal at various practice locations, depending on the sport. So I invented Adjustagoal technology, which offers assembly that is almost full size (66” verses 72” wide) otherwise it is full size.
So Nashti Sports (formally Adjust-a-Goal) was born! Just like many of you, we needed a good steel goal at various practice locations, depending on the sport. So I invented Adjustagoal technology, which offers assembly that is almost full size (66” verses 72” wide) otherwise it is full size.
But that’s where the similarities end. Adjustagoal was designed to provide a full size goal, but with its unique design, is also able to telescope left to right and up and down, and offer 4 different sizes to help all ages, or work on various shooting skills. It can be transported in the back of a minivan, small trucks and even fits in the back of hatchbacks, and can store 2 goals in about 60% space as a regular goal takes. All of this capability, and made to a high quality standard!
My family and I have been working on this for many years, and put in countless hours and effort to bring a new standard in sports goals…that will help the player truly train and improve. Not just practice.
I hope you get as much fun and use from your “ADJUST-A-GOAL” as we do!
Kevin Nash
Inventor and owner
Nashti Sports Inc.